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Single-Mode Duplex Fibre Cables, PVC
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Single-Mode Duplex Fibre Cables, PVC

Transmit at higher rates than with multimode fiber ? and choose from four different connector types!

  • Duplex 9-µm single-mode fibre optic cable.
  • Yellow PVC jacket rated for all "riser" applications.
  • Ceramic connectors for reliable connections.
  • Low insertion loss: 0.2 dB typical.
  • Garantia: Garantia Vitalícia Double Diamond ™
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  Single-Mode Duplex Fibre Cables, PVC  
Single-Mode Duplex Fibre Cables, PVC
  EFN310-003M-SCSC Last Time Buy        
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These duplex fibre optic cables feature two buffered single-mode fibres individually wrapped with aramid yarn and overjacketed in a Figure-8 design (PVC).

ST and SC
ST–ST, SC–SC, or ST–SC fibre cables are ideal for patching single-mode backbones to high-speed network devices, such as Gigabit Ethernet switches.

Small RJ-style connectors enable you to fit more terminations in a limited area than with SC connectors. We offer a choice of cables with snag-proof MT-RJ connectors on both ends of with SC or ST on the other end.

Almost half the size of standard ST and SC terminations, these connectors are ideal for desktop applications.