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Why Extend KVM? • Why Extend KVM? • KVM extenders are used in a huge range of applications in almost all sectors. From power stations to churches and from server farms to supermarkets, KVM extenders have been used to solve a range of problems....
Find all • KVM Switches • in our on-line store. • DVI KVM Switches • , • VGA KVM Switches • , • DisplayPort KVM Switches • , • Secure KVM Switches • , • Trading Control Switches • , • Enterprise KVM Switches • , • IP Enabled KVM Switches • Fin...
...Guia de Cabos CATx • Cabeamento é um dos componentes mais importantes de sua rede. Escolhendo o cabeamento correto pode ser uma tarefa difícil, à medida que avançamos para velocidades de 10, 40, 100 Gbps, e até mesmo redes de 1 Tb. Você te...
...more efficient HD video extension over IP. •   • Put displays where you need them without compromising source video quality. • Greater reach for your HD video. • Split and extend HDMI video and audio from a single source input over a single solid CA...
...Comutação e extensão de KVM e Vídeo em HD para áreas de trabalho colaborativas. • Comutação híbrida e solução de extensão. • Obtenha uma solução de comutação de matriz para vários tipos de sinais com o DKM. Substitua vários dispositivos por um siste...
Ethernet Extensions • Ethernet extensions • Not a solution that you can do inmediately or for somewhat money. • Computer cables can only be too short, but never too long. The same applies to networking cables. Sometimes it is just the last met...
KVMoIP access technology • KVMoIP access technology • KVM over IP • KVMoIP access technology extends keyboard, video, and mouse (KVM) signals from any computer or server over TCP/IP via a LAN, WAN, or Internet connection. Through this KVM over...
...Virtual media (VM) • ServSwitch with built-in VM to USB • A virtual media (VM) device is any type of data storage device — such as CDs, flash drives, or external hard drives — that you can connect to remotely to enable data sharing. A ServSwitch ...
...used with video or KVM extenders to extend the reach of a video signal. It's popular for this application because it's lightweight, easy to handle, and inexpensive. But when you transmit video over long stretches of twisted-pair cable, you some...
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