...Black Box Corporation . Fiber Wall Cabinets , Panels , and Shelf Build your custom fiber network with Build your custom fiber network with these handy fiber cabinets and accessories . these handy fiber cabinets and accessories . FEATURES Four rubber...
...Black Box Corporation . ServSwitch Wizard SRX USB KVMExtenders Extend high - resolution VGA with USB 1.1 and stereo audio more than 160 feet over CATx cable . 5 / 11 / 2011 1 of 3 # 26985 PLATFORMS CONNECTORS CABLE PERIPHERALS U Extend one or tw...
...BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO FIBER LOSS TESTING FOR FIELD APPLICATIONS John P . Urban Introduction This application note is a basic introduction to the equipment and methods commonly used to perform field loss testing of singlemode and multimode optical ...
...6 SFP cage Holds fiber network SFP module 7 ( 2 ) DVI Video connectors Connect to PC Video 8 TP port Speed LED Indicates 10 / 100 / 1000 Mbps 9 TP port Activity LED Indicates activity on the link 10 Fiber port Speed LED Indicates 10 / 100 / 1...
...B connector connector 8 Fiber port Speed LED Indicates 10 / 100 / 1000 Mbps 9 Fiber port Activity LED Indicates activity on the link 10 SFP cage Holds fiber network SFP module 11 DVI Video connector Connects to PC Video 12 Audio Line In Connects to ...