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KVM solutions for medical environments

KVM solutions for broadcasting

KVM solutions offer a complete switching range for your medical application

IP-based KVM extension and switching in operating rooms

Both InvisaPC and Agility are being used in operating rooms (ORs) to display the picture of a system on multiple screens. This allows others to watch the surgeon while he is performing a particular procedure, either for assisting or learning purposes. These systems can be implemented with galvanic isolation by means of network isolators.

A Network Isolator connects a medical device or system equipped with a network interface to a non-medical device such as a single PC or office network. The network isolator electrically isolates both systems with up to 1.5kV, while maintaining all relevant standards for the electrical security.

Without network isolation, a failure of a device anywhere in the connected system may cause stray currents and heat losses or break protective conductors and destroy life-supporting technologies.

Various other environments in medical environments can also benefit from KVM extension and switching technology. Visit the sections on sleep laboratories, patient monitoring and laboratory automation for more information.

High performance, proprietary KVM switching for radiotherapy departments

Linear accelerators (linacs) which are used in radiation treatment are housed within bunkers which are designed to shield the radiation generated from the surrounding area. Inside the linac bunker operators have a treatment room and a control room at their disposal. With the use of the DKM FX switching system linac operators are able to access and control the Linac Control System (LCS), electronic health records and/or the patient’s treatment plan in MOSAIQ on screens in either of the two rooms. This setup provides the operator with ease in management and use of systems and flexibility in his daily activities.

Medical labs featuring 4-to-1 KVM switching with smooth real time image processing

The 4Site Flex is a particularly useful switching system for implementation in medical laboratories. Managing processes in large clinical laboratories can be challenging, especially during night shifts or other moments with lower staffing. When automated analysers are spread out, lab technicians often find themselves walking back and forth continuously. The 4site flex gives them the opportunity to control four analysers simultaneously – saving valuable time. You will be able to find more information on our solutions for laboratory environments in the section Laboratory automation.

Our clients within healthcare and medical enviroments

  • Leiden University Medical Centre
  • Belfast City Hospital
  • Patientline
  • Banner Pharmacaps
  • UZ Brussel
  • Arvika Sjukhus
  • Danderyds Djukhus
  • Fremont Memorial Hospital
  • Oneida County Hospital
  • UMC Utrecht
  • CHU de Liège
  • UZ Gent
  • Skånes Universitetssjukhus MAS
  • Lasarettet i Ystad